Chris Thomas

Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder

Chris Thomas is an Industry and Ecosystem Developer.  Industry Development can be best described as the activities required to be successful beyond building, marketing and selling products.  Having a history of successfully driving the market adoption of cutting edge technologies, he is sought after for his visionary executive workshops that blend technology with accelerating business revenue.

Prior to founding the Stonington Group he was Chief Strategist at Intel Corporation.  His 26 year career at Intel focused on global ecosystem engagement with Industry, Governments, Systems Integrators, NGOs and Global Development Agencies including developing strategies, architectures and products for Networking, Communications, PC, Server, Enterprise, Education, Health Care, Small Business, Mobile, Emerging Market and other areas.

Mr. Thomas is well known for driving computer industry standardization and next generation solutions, including founding the Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF), creating and directing Intel’s Distributed Enterprise Architecture Lab, and architecting core technologies behind the LANDesk™ Management Suite. He is on the Board of Directors of Agilix Labs, Inc., co-authored the book "Mashup Corporations" and has participated in World Economic Forum Information Technology, Internet Security, and Cloud Computing activities.

Recently he has assumed the role of Kinext’s Chief Strategy Officer as part of an industry alliance between the Stonington Group and Kinext Holdings.

He was honored by his alma mater Carroll University with a 2019 Distinguished Alumnus.  He graduated from Carroll in 1984 with a BS in Computer Science and a BA in Spanish.

Rob Lampereur

Chief Technical Officer & Co-Founder

Mr. Lampereur recently retired as Chief Software Engineer and Staff Consultant from Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. located in Boulder, Colorado. He has over 30 years of experience in Aerospace, 10 years of which was developing the flight software used to operate the cameras internal to the Hubble Space Telescope.

In addition, Mr. Lampereur has supported the development of other major NASA and government satellite systems that include the Kepler Mission, which has found over 1000 confirmed exoplanets in about 440 stellar systems. He was a major contributor to weather satellite systems and global communication systems as well. He has more recent experience with white hat evaluation of computer systems and developing secure systems that address cyber-security issues. His consulting engagements have drawn him back to the aerospace field, as Principal Systems Engineer at Raytheon Intelligence & Space in Aurora, Colorado.

Mr. Lampereur is an advisor to Venture and Private Equity firms and also has over 20 years of experience in real estate investment and management. He also volunteers with youth organizations like Girls, Inc. which encourages young women to pursue STEM-related professions, and Colorado Youth At Risk, a non-profit organization that helps ensure at-risk youth graduate from high school and go on to college. He received a BS in Computer Science from Carroll College in Waukesha, Wisconsin and a MS in Computer Information Systems from Regis University in Denver, Colorado.